Don't Let the Ancient Knowledge of Herbal Medicine Be Lost Forever!

Here’s Just a Glimpse of What You’ll Find in Ancient Remedies Revived:

Open book displaying facts about medicinal herbs and detailed information about Aloe Vera.

This book is a powerful guide to healing naturally. Discover the medicines of our ancient ancestors, backed by modern science.

It even has the rare knowledge of synergistic effects - what happens when you blend certain herbs together.

The book also doubles as a foraging guide. Its full-color images, identification info, and dosage info will help you make sure that you don’t pass up any powerful remedies that are growing in your backyard.

Text pages featuring detailed descriptions and images of Dandelion and Devil's Claw plants, their uses, benefits, and more.
Open book displaying facts about medicinal herbs and detailed information about Aloe Vera.

You’ll even find a collection of powerful synergistic recipes that have been curated for specific ailments.

This book is an amazing guide for both complete beginners and expert herbalists alike.

On Page 71

Discover the Stinging Backyard Weed That Can Be Used as a Potent Natural Arthritis Relief

A close-up of vibrant green stinging nettle plants.

This is one of the herbs you will find in "Ancient Remedies Revived." It’s an extremely common plant that you’ve probably touched by mistake and gotten a rash from. I want you to take a closer look at this plant and discover its ability to significantly help with joint pain and arthritis.


Inside the book, you’ll find full instructions on how to mix it with another common weed to create a powerful remedy against skin rashes.

On Page 53

Use This Common Kitchen Ingredient to Help With Heart Disease

Whole garlic bulbs and peeled garlic cloves on a wooden surface.

I can guarantee that you have this in your fridge right now, but why haven’t you been taken advantage of it? Most Americans suffer from cardiovascular disease. If only they knew how to leverage the heart-protecting power of this one herb.


 Many people know that garlic can be used to manage many chronic heart conditions, but they’ve been getting a few things wrong about using it!


Don’t turn to garlic supplements, you can easily get by on a small amount of garlic! Just follow the principles laid out in Ancient Remedies Revived and reap all the full heart-saving benefits.


Plus, learn what to mix the garlic with to get a powerful cold and flu medicine.


Be sure to share this valuable knowledge with future generations.

On Page 76

What Happens When You Rub Chili Peppers All Over Yourself?

A black bowl filled with fresh red chili peppers against a gray background.

I’ll show you how to use chili peppers to make a powerful pain relief patch. The spicy chemical from chili peppers works by reducing a pain transmitter in your nerves to deliver instant pain relief.


It is an extremely effective way to reduce pain and tenderness in joints. And even better yet, it comes with no addicting properties or safety problems.


When combined with a shot of golden milk, you’ll be attacking the pain and inflammation from the inside and out.

On Page 44

The Plant Your Liver Will Thank You For

Yellow dandelion flowers with green leaves in a grassy area.

For centuries, this plant has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including digestive and skin disorders.


This plant is rich in antioxidants and has been found to promote bile production, which helps to flush toxins out of the body.


Learn how to make a liver health tonic with this common backyard weed in my book!

On Page 64

Unwind with This All-Natural Alcohol Substitute

Green, fern-like plants growing in sandy soil.

There's a natural remedy available in the Pacific Island cultures that can provide a relaxing and social buzz without negative consequences.


This herb contains kavalactones, which promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and uplift mood.


Find out how to prepare and dose this amazing social herb in my book!

On Page 65

This Herb is the Unsung Hero of World War I

Historic photo of people with crutches, and a modern inset of two essential oil bottles with lavender.

During the chaos of World War I, when medical supplies were scarce and soldiers were in dire need of treatment, this plant's oil emerged as a lifesaver.


Its potent antiseptic and healing properties proved to be a game-changer, saving countless lives and aiding in the recovery of wounded soldiers.

On Page 187

The Easy Breathing Elixir

Two jars of herbs infusing in liquid on a wooden surface.

Tackle everything from common colds to more serious respiratory problems.


Thanks to its powerful mucus-loosening properties, this blend can help clear congestion in both the chest and sinuses, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Simply boil thyme and mullein leaves in water and strain the mixture into your favorite cup. Drink 2-3 cups of tea daily to help alleviate symptoms of respiratory conditions.

Steaming pot of water with herbs boiling on a gas stove.

On Page 57

How the Citizens of Leningrad Survived the Siege

Yellow-flowered plant growing between rocks in a natural setting.

Discover the herb with incredible adaptogenic and stress-relieving properties that gave them the energy and endurance to endure the brutal blockade.


Modern science has shown that this powerful plant increases energy levels, making it the ultimate resilience booster.

On Page 90

Reduce Pain and Inflammation by Adding this Plant to Your Tea

Herbs drying on wooden racks in a well-lit room.

Say goodbye to pains and fevers with a natural remedy that's just as effective as aspirin, but without the gastric damage!


With salicylic acid as its star ingredient, white willow is a potent pain reliever and fever reducer that's available right in your backyard.


Simply brew the dried leaves into a soothing tea, or chew on the tip of a willow branch for quick relief.

But There's MORE In Store for You!

Tablet displaying 'The Backyard Medicinal Garden' book cover with hands holding soil and a small plant.

*These special gifts are available in digital format only.

If you get Ancient Remedies Revived today, you'll also receive TWO *special gifts.

The Backyard Medicinal Garden


Discover your path to self-sufficiency with this concise 152-page guide - featuring step-by-step instructions and illustrations.


Learn to design, build, and maintain a thriving garden that provides all the essential crops and herbs for a self-reliant lifestyle.

Herbal SOS

Be prepared for any situation with this essential guide to handling common emergencies using natural remedies and practical advice.


Learn about the healing properties of a variety of natural remedies and gain insight into how to use them effectively to promote fast healing and recovery.

Tablet displaying 'The Backyard Medicinal Garden' book cover with hands holding soil and a small plant.

*These special gifts are available in digital format only.

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